patraḿ puṣpaḿ phalaḿ toyaḿ
yo me bhaktyā prayacchati
tad ahaḿ bhakty-upahṛtam
aśnāmi prayatātmanaḥ
Bhagavad Gita sloka recitation, Sunday school at ISKCON temple, cultural activities for Krishna kids, Sunday school activities, teaching Krishna stories, teaching etiquette
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sloka 6 - BG 5.29
bhoktāraḿ yajña-tapasāḿ
suhṛdaḿ sarva-bhūtānāḿ
jñātvā māḿ śāntim ṛcchati
suhṛdaḿ sarva-bhūtānāḿ
jñātvā māḿ śāntim ṛcchati
Sloka 5 BG 4.7
yadā yadā hi dharmasya
glānir bhavati bhārata
abhyutthānam adharmasya
tadātmānaḿ sṛjāmy aham
glānir bhavati bhārata
abhyutthānam adharmasya
tadātmānaḿ sṛjāmy aham
Monday, June 22, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sloka 4 - BG 3.27
prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni
guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ
kartāham iti manyate
guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ
kartāham iti manyate
Sloka 3 - BG 2.23
nainaḿ chindanti śastrāṇi
nainaḿ dahati pāvakaḥ
na cainaḿ kledayanty āpo
na śoṣayati mārutaḥ
nainaḿ dahati pāvakaḥ
na cainaḿ kledayanty āpo
na śoṣayati mārutaḥ
Sloka 2 - BG 2.12
na tv evāhaḿ jātu nāsaḿ
na tvaḿ neme janādhipāḥ
na caiva na bhaviṣyāmaḥ
sarve vayam ataḥ param
na tvaḿ neme janādhipāḥ
na caiva na bhaviṣyāmaḥ
sarve vayam ataḥ param
Sloka 1 - BG 1.1 Video
dhṛtarāṣṭra uvāca
dharma-kṣetre kuru-kṣetre
samavetā yuyutsavaḥ
māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāś caiva
kim akurvata sañjaya
dharma-kṣetre kuru-kṣetre
samavetā yuyutsavaḥ
māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāś caiva
kim akurvata sañjaya
Monday, June 15, 2009
sloka 4
Dear parents,
I think 5 kids know 3 slokas now who have been coming to the sloka class everyday.
We started with the 4th sloka today and we will finish up this tomorrow
na tv evāhaḿ jātu nāsaḿ
na tvaḿ neme janādhipāḥ
na caiva na bhaviṣyāmaḥ
sarve vayam ataḥ param
Nama Priya
I think 5 kids know 3 slokas now who have been coming to the sloka class everyday.
We started with the 4th sloka today and we will finish up this tomorrow
na tv evāhaḿ jātu nāsaḿ
na tvaḿ neme janādhipāḥ
na caiva na bhaviṣyāmaḥ
sarve vayam ataḥ param
Nama Priya
Drama 3 - Govardhan Lila
Govardhan Lila
Scene 1:
### Music when Nanda Mahraj is preparing for the sacrifice (initial scene setting) ###
The Holy place Mathura is spiritually superior to Vaikuntha, the transcendental world, because the lord appeared there. Superior to Mathura Puri is the transcendental forest of Vrindavan because of Krishna’s rasa-lila pastimes. And superior to the forest of Vrindavan is Govardhan Hill, for it was raised by the divine hand of Lord Krishna and was the site of his various loving pastimes.”
Krishna: I see that all of you are preparing for some great sacrifice. Tell me Baba, what are all these arrangements for?
Nanda M: Kanha ! We are making arrangements to perform a traditional sacrifice.
Krishna: Oh! a big sacrifice. Why?
Nanda M: We wish to please King Indra.
Krishna: Why we have to please King Indra?
Nanda M: He will send us rain clouds to pour down rain.
Scene 2:
After hearing this from his father, Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the presence of his father, the sages and the cowherd men of Vrindavan, deliberately spoke the Karma Mimamsa philosophy in a way to make the heavenly King Indra very angry.
Krishna: Govardhan hill gives everything so we need to worship him.
### Music shock from all others###
Nanda M: Then, definitely King Indra will be very angry with us.
Krishna: Even if he becomes angry, what will he do?
Brajbasi1: What will he do? If Indra does not give rain then Vrindavan will become desert
Brajbasi2- Not even a grass will grow.
Krishna: If he is so heartless, what kind of God is he? God must be kind and always willing to forgive the mistakes of his devotees.
Scene 3:
###Music for King Indhra's court room ###
Everyone was convinced with Krishna’s proposal and performed the sacrifice for Govardhan hill. In the court of Indhra…
Messenger: All Glories to Maharaja Indra
Indra: Yes, tell me what is the reason for your untimely arrival
Messenger: This year the people of Vrindavan stopped performing sacrifice unto you
Indra: (Very angry) what? Impossible!!! Who did this?
Messenger: Krishna, Son of Nanda Maharaj, he is the king of cowherd people.
Indra: Call Samvartaka … The clouds of devastation
Samvartaka: comes before indra and offers obeisances.
Indra: Samvartaka, you don’t be afraid of anything. Go to Vrindavan and flood the entire village with your rain, hailstorm and thundering. Destroy everything. Uhhh..
Scene 4:
###sound of winds, thunder n lightning###
Samvartaka started to do what Indhra told him to do. Vrindavan was covered with dark clouds, signs of rain appeared everywhere. The whole place was getting darker even in the day time.
Brajbasi1: Oh there is rain in Karthik month?
Brajbasi2: Come lets run home
Brajbasi3: I am feeling so cold
Brajbasi4: Look over there! There is a cyclone coming… lets run run
Brajbasi5: Oh My hut is blown off. There is no shelter, other than Krishna
Brajbasi1: I think Indra is angry on us
Brajbasi2: He is angry because he offered everything to Govardhan hill
All: Let’s all go to Krishna together he will definitely help us.
Scene 5:
Brajbasi1: Oh Krishna you are powerful and you can do anything please help us
Brajbasi 2: Oh Gopal!! our cows are helpless, please help
Brajbasi3: King Indra is angry now, he will destroy Vrindavan now
Krishna: Don’t worry everyone I will not destroy Indra, I will destroy his pride.
###music for krishna lifting the govardhan mountain with his little finger and for people looking in amazement###
(Krishna lifts the Govardhan hill in his small finger)
All of them look at him in amazement
Krishna: Do not fear, this mountain will not fall from my hand. Come in come in, come under this big umbrella
Scene 6:
Lord Krishna stood there holding up the mountain for 7 days and 7 nights. The cowherd men and women out of love and affection looked upon Krishna with wide open eyes.
By continuously drinking the nectar of the beauty and sweetness of the all attractive Sri Krishna, the residents did not feel any thirst, hunger or fatigue.
The rain stopped.
Krishna: My dear cowherd men you can all leave and take your cows, wives. Everything had ended. The flood and rains will not come anymore.
Brajbasi1: Krishna, you are simply wonderful
Brajbasi2: Oh Krishna I love you
###end music when all bow down to Krishna###
###After this Jaya Radha madhava song will start with GOPA DANCE###
Scene 1:
### Music when Nanda Mahraj is preparing for the sacrifice (initial scene setting) ###
The Holy place Mathura is spiritually superior to Vaikuntha, the transcendental world, because the lord appeared there. Superior to Mathura Puri is the transcendental forest of Vrindavan because of Krishna’s rasa-lila pastimes. And superior to the forest of Vrindavan is Govardhan Hill, for it was raised by the divine hand of Lord Krishna and was the site of his various loving pastimes.”
Krishna: I see that all of you are preparing for some great sacrifice. Tell me Baba, what are all these arrangements for?
Nanda M: Kanha ! We are making arrangements to perform a traditional sacrifice.
Krishna: Oh! a big sacrifice. Why?
Nanda M: We wish to please King Indra.
Krishna: Why we have to please King Indra?
Nanda M: He will send us rain clouds to pour down rain.
Scene 2:
After hearing this from his father, Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the presence of his father, the sages and the cowherd men of Vrindavan, deliberately spoke the Karma Mimamsa philosophy in a way to make the heavenly King Indra very angry.
Krishna: Govardhan hill gives everything so we need to worship him.
### Music shock from all others###
Nanda M: Then, definitely King Indra will be very angry with us.
Krishna: Even if he becomes angry, what will he do?
Brajbasi1: What will he do? If Indra does not give rain then Vrindavan will become desert
Brajbasi2- Not even a grass will grow.
Krishna: If he is so heartless, what kind of God is he? God must be kind and always willing to forgive the mistakes of his devotees.
Scene 3:
###Music for King Indhra's court room ###
Everyone was convinced with Krishna’s proposal and performed the sacrifice for Govardhan hill. In the court of Indhra…
Messenger: All Glories to Maharaja Indra
Indra: Yes, tell me what is the reason for your untimely arrival
Messenger: This year the people of Vrindavan stopped performing sacrifice unto you
Indra: (Very angry) what? Impossible!!! Who did this?
Messenger: Krishna, Son of Nanda Maharaj, he is the king of cowherd people.
Indra: Call Samvartaka … The clouds of devastation
Samvartaka: comes before indra and offers obeisances.
Indra: Samvartaka, you don’t be afraid of anything. Go to Vrindavan and flood the entire village with your rain, hailstorm and thundering. Destroy everything. Uhhh..
Scene 4:
###sound of winds, thunder n lightning###
Samvartaka started to do what Indhra told him to do. Vrindavan was covered with dark clouds, signs of rain appeared everywhere. The whole place was getting darker even in the day time.
Brajbasi1: Oh there is rain in Karthik month?
Brajbasi2: Come lets run home
Brajbasi3: I am feeling so cold
Brajbasi4: Look over there! There is a cyclone coming… lets run run
Brajbasi5: Oh My hut is blown off. There is no shelter, other than Krishna
Brajbasi1: I think Indra is angry on us
Brajbasi2: He is angry because he offered everything to Govardhan hill
All: Let’s all go to Krishna together he will definitely help us.
Scene 5:
Brajbasi1: Oh Krishna you are powerful and you can do anything please help us
Brajbasi 2: Oh Gopal!! our cows are helpless, please help
Brajbasi3: King Indra is angry now, he will destroy Vrindavan now
Krishna: Don’t worry everyone I will not destroy Indra, I will destroy his pride.
###music for krishna lifting the govardhan mountain with his little finger and for people looking in amazement###
(Krishna lifts the Govardhan hill in his small finger)
All of them look at him in amazement
Krishna: Do not fear, this mountain will not fall from my hand. Come in come in, come under this big umbrella
Scene 6:
Lord Krishna stood there holding up the mountain for 7 days and 7 nights. The cowherd men and women out of love and affection looked upon Krishna with wide open eyes.
By continuously drinking the nectar of the beauty and sweetness of the all attractive Sri Krishna, the residents did not feel any thirst, hunger or fatigue.
The rain stopped.
Krishna: My dear cowherd men you can all leave and take your cows, wives. Everything had ended. The flood and rains will not come anymore.
Brajbasi1: Krishna, you are simply wonderful
Brajbasi2: Oh Krishna I love you
###end music when all bow down to Krishna###
###After this Jaya Radha madhava song will start with GOPA DANCE###
Drama 2- Krishna the butter thief
Krishna the butter thief
Scene 1:
Krishna and his friends love stealing butter from Gopi’s houses. They sometimes get caught but the gopis could not punish them because they love Krishna.
###music for Krishna playing with the cowherd boys###
Sridama – Look Krishna, the sun is high up in the sky, we finished our lunch but still I am hungry.
Stoka – You are always hungry, go and do your work. (All laugh)
Sudhama – I am also little tired and hungry today, maybe we should go home.
Krishna – I agree with you. Let’s go home and eat yummy butter!!
Sridhama – (Holding his stomach) Oh Krishna please don’t talk about butter. I makes me feel more hungry
Sudhama – Yes Yes, I am hungry too thinking of butter.
Krishna – I have an idea. My mother and other elder gopis are busy churning butter at my house. We can sneak into the kitchen and eat some butter.
All- yes yes lets go
Scene 2:
###Churning butter music###
Yashoda maiya along with the other gopis was busy churning the butter. The topic of conversation as usual was Krishna and his pranks
Gopi1: Oh Yashoda! You must control your son.
Yashoda: You are jealous because I have a darling little boy. Don’t complain about him
Gopi2: On the other day I caught him when stealing butter
Gopi 3: Why don’t you tell yashoda that he broke the pot also. He is so naughty.
Gopi 1: yes there are so many complaints about him all over Gokul, but as soon as he is caught he will shed tears and we will leave him.
Scene 3:
###soft music to steal the butter###
While Gopis were discussing the boys were inside the kitchen ready to steal butter
Krishna: Shhhhh… don’t make a noise of else maiya will come and beat all of us
Sridhama: Krishna how will we reach the pot, it is so high
Stoka: (Looking up) Yes Krishna How will we reach the pots?
Sudhama: I know something would go wrong. Now what will we do?
Krishna: I know I will climb up and reach the pots.
Scene 4:
###sound of pot breaking 'damaal'###
Narration: So the boys climbed on each other and Krishna reached the pot and eat the butter. Everything was going fine until one pot fell down on the floor “damaal”
(damaal sound)
Yashoda: What was that sound? May be the monkeys have got inside the kitchen again
Gopi1: Could it be the naughty Krishna?
Gopi2: Ha Ha, Go Yashoda and find out who is inside
Gopi3: It will be definitely Krishna
Yashoda: Come with me to the kitchen and I will prove that they are the monkeys
Scene 5:
###music for the boys running out of fear###
The cowherd boys ran out of fear
###music for catching Krishna red handed###
Yashoda: YOU! Stealing butter in your own house? Don’t I feed you well? Hmm.. so the Gopis were right
Krishna: No no maiya I did not eat butter, actually my friends put all the butter on my face. It was they who stole and ate the butter.
Yashoda: Now I have caught you red- handed and so I will punish you. Come here.
Yashoda got the rope to tie Krishna to the mortar. She was very tired tying because the rope wasn’t enough all the time.
###Damodar astakam song starts###
During the song Yashoda will keep trying the rope and the Gopis will say no, no but the dance will go on the other part of the stage.
Scene 1:
Krishna and his friends love stealing butter from Gopi’s houses. They sometimes get caught but the gopis could not punish them because they love Krishna.
###music for Krishna playing with the cowherd boys###
Sridama – Look Krishna, the sun is high up in the sky, we finished our lunch but still I am hungry.
Stoka – You are always hungry, go and do your work. (All laugh)
Sudhama – I am also little tired and hungry today, maybe we should go home.
Krishna – I agree with you. Let’s go home and eat yummy butter!!
Sridhama – (Holding his stomach) Oh Krishna please don’t talk about butter. I makes me feel more hungry
Sudhama – Yes Yes, I am hungry too thinking of butter.
Krishna – I have an idea. My mother and other elder gopis are busy churning butter at my house. We can sneak into the kitchen and eat some butter.
All- yes yes lets go
Scene 2:
###Churning butter music###
Yashoda maiya along with the other gopis was busy churning the butter. The topic of conversation as usual was Krishna and his pranks
Gopi1: Oh Yashoda! You must control your son.
Yashoda: You are jealous because I have a darling little boy. Don’t complain about him
Gopi2: On the other day I caught him when stealing butter
Gopi 3: Why don’t you tell yashoda that he broke the pot also. He is so naughty.
Gopi 1: yes there are so many complaints about him all over Gokul, but as soon as he is caught he will shed tears and we will leave him.
Scene 3:
###soft music to steal the butter###
While Gopis were discussing the boys were inside the kitchen ready to steal butter
Krishna: Shhhhh… don’t make a noise of else maiya will come and beat all of us
Sridhama: Krishna how will we reach the pot, it is so high
Stoka: (Looking up) Yes Krishna How will we reach the pots?
Sudhama: I know something would go wrong. Now what will we do?
Krishna: I know I will climb up and reach the pots.
Scene 4:
###sound of pot breaking 'damaal'###
Narration: So the boys climbed on each other and Krishna reached the pot and eat the butter. Everything was going fine until one pot fell down on the floor “damaal”
(damaal sound)
Yashoda: What was that sound? May be the monkeys have got inside the kitchen again
Gopi1: Could it be the naughty Krishna?
Gopi2: Ha Ha, Go Yashoda and find out who is inside
Gopi3: It will be definitely Krishna
Yashoda: Come with me to the kitchen and I will prove that they are the monkeys
Scene 5:
###music for the boys running out of fear###
The cowherd boys ran out of fear
###music for catching Krishna red handed###
Yashoda: YOU! Stealing butter in your own house? Don’t I feed you well? Hmm.. so the Gopis were right
Krishna: No no maiya I did not eat butter, actually my friends put all the butter on my face. It was they who stole and ate the butter.
Yashoda: Now I have caught you red- handed and so I will punish you. Come here.
Yashoda got the rope to tie Krishna to the mortar. She was very tired tying because the rope wasn’t enough all the time.
###Damodar astakam song starts###
During the song Yashoda will keep trying the rope and the Gopis will say no, no but the dance will go on the other part of the stage.
Drama 1 - Appearance of Lord Krishna
Appearance of Lord Krishna
Scene 1
Long long ago the world was over burdened with the rule of demoniac kings.
They were harassing the good people and the sages and were ruling the world with the help of their demoniac friends.
So the planet Earth, Bhumi devi went to Lord Brahma to tell her problems. Lord Brahma went to the abode of Lord Vishnu with the demigods. The supreme personality of Godhead Krishna said he would personally appear to protect his devotees and kill the demons.
###music for wedding###
Narration continues:
In the city of Matura there was joy and happiness. The city was in festive mood and decorated very well. Vasudeva the son of surasena married Devaki, the sister of Kamsa….
###wedding music continues…###
Kamsa – Oh Devaki and my dear friend Vasudev, it is my duty to leave you both in your new home.
###They keep walking around the stage… happy music continues###
Voice – Kamsa, you are such a fool, you are so affectionate to your sister, but her eighth son will kill you.
###Shocking music###
Kamsa – (Shocked, he looks at his sister… ) I am all powerful and no one can kill me. I will destroy them. Even if it is my dear sister devaki.
Devaki – (crying) No dear brother, please don’t do that I never will wish any harm come to you.
Vasudev – Wait Kamsa. You can’t do that, she is your younger sister. You have to take care of her and not kill her like this. If there are any sons born to us we will give them to you. You can do whatever you want with them
Kamsa – Alright I will keep you both in prison and you don’t try to play tricks with me. (Clap the hands) Guards… Imprison them.
Scene 2
In this way Vasudev gave all the babies born to them. Kamsa killed them all. Lord Vishnu appeared in front of Vasudev and devaki.
###music for the appearance for Lord Vishnu###
Vasudev – My Lord, you are the supreme personality of God head and you have appeared to kill all the demons. But now, Kamsa killed all of your brothers. If he sees you now he will harm you.
Vishnu – Do not worry, I am here to take care of everything. Now as I say put me in the basket and carry me across the Yamuna river and leave me with Nanda Mahraja. You bring the baby girl born to Yashoda back with you.
Thus Lord Krishna transformed himself into the most beautiful baby dressed in yellow silk and wearing beautiful jewels.
And this day we celeberate as Janmashtami or the appearance of Lord Krishna.
Scene 3
(The action is done as narration is going on.)
Vasudeva followed the instructions given by the Lord, took the new born child from the prison, the door keepers fell asleep, he stepped out of the prison and crossed river Yamuna. River Yamuna gave way to Vasudeva and allowed him to cross.
He reached Nanda Mahraj’s house.
Vasudeva – (talking to himself in mind) All the men are sleeping I will place this baby and take the baby girl to the prison house or Kamsa.
(Action - He keeps the Lord and takes the baby girl and reaches the prison)
Scene 4
Nanda maharaj performed a gorgeous ceremony for the birth of his new born child. The gopas and gopis went to see the new born child with presents.
Yashoda- Welcome Vasuda, please come and see my baby.
Nanda Mahraj-Welcome my dear friends
Yashoda – My dear Vasudha please come and see my Krishna
Gopi 1- May you become the king of Vraja and protect all of us.
(action – sprinkle a mixture of turmeric powder, oil and water upon the baby and offer prayers)
###music ending with festive sound###
###music for yashomati nandana song starts###
Scene 1
Long long ago the world was over burdened with the rule of demoniac kings.
They were harassing the good people and the sages and were ruling the world with the help of their demoniac friends.
So the planet Earth, Bhumi devi went to Lord Brahma to tell her problems. Lord Brahma went to the abode of Lord Vishnu with the demigods. The supreme personality of Godhead Krishna said he would personally appear to protect his devotees and kill the demons.
###music for wedding###
Narration continues:
In the city of Matura there was joy and happiness. The city was in festive mood and decorated very well. Vasudeva the son of surasena married Devaki, the sister of Kamsa….
###wedding music continues…###
Kamsa – Oh Devaki and my dear friend Vasudev, it is my duty to leave you both in your new home.
###They keep walking around the stage… happy music continues###
Voice – Kamsa, you are such a fool, you are so affectionate to your sister, but her eighth son will kill you.
###Shocking music###
Kamsa – (Shocked, he looks at his sister… ) I am all powerful and no one can kill me. I will destroy them. Even if it is my dear sister devaki.
Devaki – (crying) No dear brother, please don’t do that I never will wish any harm come to you.
Vasudev – Wait Kamsa. You can’t do that, she is your younger sister. You have to take care of her and not kill her like this. If there are any sons born to us we will give them to you. You can do whatever you want with them
Kamsa – Alright I will keep you both in prison and you don’t try to play tricks with me. (Clap the hands) Guards… Imprison them.
Scene 2
In this way Vasudev gave all the babies born to them. Kamsa killed them all. Lord Vishnu appeared in front of Vasudev and devaki.
###music for the appearance for Lord Vishnu###
Vasudev – My Lord, you are the supreme personality of God head and you have appeared to kill all the demons. But now, Kamsa killed all of your brothers. If he sees you now he will harm you.
Vishnu – Do not worry, I am here to take care of everything. Now as I say put me in the basket and carry me across the Yamuna river and leave me with Nanda Mahraja. You bring the baby girl born to Yashoda back with you.
Thus Lord Krishna transformed himself into the most beautiful baby dressed in yellow silk and wearing beautiful jewels.
And this day we celeberate as Janmashtami or the appearance of Lord Krishna.
Scene 3
(The action is done as narration is going on.)
Vasudeva followed the instructions given by the Lord, took the new born child from the prison, the door keepers fell asleep, he stepped out of the prison and crossed river Yamuna. River Yamuna gave way to Vasudeva and allowed him to cross.
He reached Nanda Mahraj’s house.
Vasudeva – (talking to himself in mind) All the men are sleeping I will place this baby and take the baby girl to the prison house or Kamsa.
(Action - He keeps the Lord and takes the baby girl and reaches the prison)
Scene 4
Nanda maharaj performed a gorgeous ceremony for the birth of his new born child. The gopas and gopis went to see the new born child with presents.
Yashoda- Welcome Vasuda, please come and see my baby.
Nanda Mahraj-Welcome my dear friends
Yashoda – My dear Vasudha please come and see my Krishna
Gopi 1- May you become the king of Vraja and protect all of us.
(action – sprinkle a mixture of turmeric powder, oil and water upon the baby and offer prayers)
###music ending with festive sound###
###music for yashomati nandana song starts###
Friday, June 12, 2009
Bagavad Gita Sloka so far...
Dear parents,
Below are the slokas we are targetting to finish by sunday evening. We will revise with the kids who already know this.
Most of the kids would be familiar with the first and the third sloka who attended the sunday school. I will help them recite on sunday after the practice.
Today the sloka class will be taken by Maganthy mataji. She will revise the 3.27 and also help new kids who are coming today. As I will be going for the dance rehearsal for my daughter.
Sloka 1:
dhṛtarāṣṭra uvāca
dharma-kṣetre kuru-kṣetre
samavetā yuyutsavaḥ
māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāś caiva
kim akurvata sañjaya
Sloka 2:
prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni
guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ
kartāham iti manyate
Sloka 3:
nainaḿ chindanti śastrāṇi
nainaḿ dahati pāvakaḥ
na cainaḿ kledayanty āpo
na śoṣayati mārutaḥ
Below are the slokas we are targetting to finish by sunday evening. We will revise with the kids who already know this.
Most of the kids would be familiar with the first and the third sloka who attended the sunday school. I will help them recite on sunday after the practice.
Today the sloka class will be taken by Maganthy mataji. She will revise the 3.27 and also help new kids who are coming today. As I will be going for the dance rehearsal for my daughter.
Sloka 1:
dhṛtarāṣṭra uvāca
dharma-kṣetre kuru-kṣetre
samavetā yuyutsavaḥ
māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāś caiva
kim akurvata sañjaya
Sloka 2:
prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni
guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ
kartāham iti manyate
Sloka 3:
nainaḿ chindanti śastrāṇi
nainaḿ dahati pāvakaḥ
na cainaḿ kledayanty āpo
na śoṣayati mārutaḥ
Monday, June 8, 2009
Janmashtami program break down
Dear parents,
Hare Krishna.
I had done the break down of kids for the dance drama to the best of my knowledge. I have divided accordingly where equal oppurtunities are given to each kids.
The newer kids who came recently mostly I have put them in dance because I dont know them very well. I will observe them and see how I can fit them in the later practices.
Please let me know if you have any concerns. I will also post this in the blog so it is easier to refer.
Drama 1: Appearance of Lord Krishna
1. Navya
2. Ganga
3. Aryan
4. Melia
5. Kushal
6. Aakash
7. Pranjal
8. Rishika
9. Neel
10. Minjal
Dance 1: Yasomati nandana
1. Pooja
2. Eesha Harish
3. Isha
4. Aarna
5. Anika
6. Manya
Drama 2: Butter thief
1. Shivani
2. Nila
3. Diksha
4. Trisha
5. Eesha Bindu
6. Preksha
7. Aditi
8. Shrushti
9. Akshath
Dance 2: Damodar-astakam
1. Diya
2. Sanskriti
3. Riju
4. Ananya
5. Shreshta
6. Medha
7. Sukanya
8. Shriya
Drama 3: Govardhan Lila
1. Tara
2. Shyam
3. Karthik
4. Hari Sri
5. Aayush
6. Aiyush
7. Vineel
8. Omkar
9. Rupesh
10. Aman
11. Harini
Dance 3: Jaya Radha madhava
1. Anish
2. Merwan
3. Ishaan
4. Mannan
5. Naman
6. Govind
7. Gopal
8. Varun
9. Rian
10. Vyagya
Please let me know if I have missed your kids by any chance.
Maganthy, Vakula mataji's please let me know about your India plan,
Love and Regards
Nama Priya
Hare Krishna.
I had done the break down of kids for the dance drama to the best of my knowledge. I have divided accordingly where equal oppurtunities are given to each kids.
The newer kids who came recently mostly I have put them in dance because I dont know them very well. I will observe them and see how I can fit them in the later practices.
Please let me know if you have any concerns. I will also post this in the blog so it is easier to refer.
Drama 1: Appearance of Lord Krishna
1. Navya
2. Ganga
3. Aryan
4. Melia
5. Kushal
6. Aakash
7. Pranjal
8. Rishika
9. Neel
10. Minjal
Dance 1: Yasomati nandana
1. Pooja
2. Eesha Harish
3. Isha
4. Aarna
5. Anika
6. Manya
Drama 2: Butter thief
1. Shivani
2. Nila
3. Diksha
4. Trisha
5. Eesha Bindu
6. Preksha
7. Aditi
8. Shrushti
9. Akshath
Dance 2: Damodar-astakam
1. Diya
2. Sanskriti
3. Riju
4. Ananya
5. Shreshta
6. Medha
7. Sukanya
8. Shriya
Drama 3: Govardhan Lila
1. Tara
2. Shyam
3. Karthik
4. Hari Sri
5. Aayush
6. Aiyush
7. Vineel
8. Omkar
9. Rupesh
10. Aman
11. Harini
Dance 3: Jaya Radha madhava
1. Anish
2. Merwan
3. Ishaan
4. Mannan
5. Naman
6. Govind
7. Gopal
8. Varun
9. Rian
10. Vyagya
Please let me know if I have missed your kids by any chance.
Maganthy, Vakula mataji's please let me know about your India plan,
Love and Regards
Nama Priya
Bal Mela training in the temple at 7:00 to 7:30 pm everyday
Dear Parents,
Hare Krishna.
The VCC is conducting Bal Mela for the kids on July 25th and 26th week end.
The prilminery rounds will be conducted on July 19th week end. On the July 25, 26th week end it will be two day festival for kids, with displays and food.
Our kids will have tough competition with 7 year old group. But the intention is to prepare them for future by introducing the recitation and devotional singing in the stage performance this year.
For this, myself and Anuradha mataji is planning to teach Bagavad Gita sloka for the kids everyday except the week ends from 7:00 to 7:30 pm. We are starting this from wednesday. Week ends you can revise with the kids so they memorize well.
Parents can stay with the kids so they can help them memorize the sloka at home.
Also I will assist them in devotional singing with the bajans where kids can learn. If you need any idea for fancy dress competition and also for coloring competition let me know.
Send me an email if you are bringing your kids.
Love and Regards
Nama Priya
Hare Krishna.
The VCC is conducting Bal Mela for the kids on July 25th and 26th week end.
The prilminery rounds will be conducted on July 19th week end. On the July 25, 26th week end it will be two day festival for kids, with displays and food.
Our kids will have tough competition with 7 year old group. But the intention is to prepare them for future by introducing the recitation and devotional singing in the stage performance this year.
For this, myself and Anuradha mataji is planning to teach Bagavad Gita sloka for the kids everyday except the week ends from 7:00 to 7:30 pm. We are starting this from wednesday. Week ends you can revise with the kids so they memorize well.
Parents can stay with the kids so they can help them memorize the sloka at home.
Also I will assist them in devotional singing with the bajans where kids can learn. If you need any idea for fancy dress competition and also for coloring competition let me know.
Send me an email if you are bringing your kids.
Love and Regards
Nama Priya
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