Hare Krsna!!!
Dear Parents,
Thank you for bringing your kids regularly to Sunday Gopala class.
This week,
PRAYERS : We sang prayers to receive the blessings of the Lord.
SLOKA : Radhika Mataji taught the Bhagavad-Gita Sloka from Chapter 4: verse 10
vita - raga-bhaya-krodha
man-maya mam upasritah
bahavo jnana-tapasa
puta mad-bhavam agatah
TRANSLATION: Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me — and thus they all attained transcendental love for Me.
Bhagavad-Gita Link: If you would like to know more about this verse and its purport, please visit http://vedabase.net/bg/4/10/en
(Note: Please refer to the previous posts for the prayers and their translations.)
Game Time: Monika Mataji conducted “ Krsna says” game which all the kids enjoyed very much.
STORY TIME: Radhika Mataji told some of the childhood pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Brahmana story:
A brahmana who was touring all over the country, traveling from one place of pilgrimage to another, reached Navadvipa and became a guest in the house of Jagannatha Misra. Jagannatha Misra gave him all ingredients for cooking, and the brahmana prepared his food. When the brahmana was offering the food to Lord Visnu in meditation, child Nimai came before him and began to eat it, and because of this the brahmana thought the whole offering had been spoiled. Therefore by the request of Jagannatha Misra he cooked for a second time, but when he was meditating the child again came before him and began to eat the food, again spoiling the offering. By the request of Jagannatha Misra the brahmana cooked for a third time, but for a third time the Lord came before him and began to eat the food, although the child had been locked within a room and everyone was sleeping because it was late at night. Thus, thinking that on that day Lord Visnu was not willing to accept his food and that he was therefore ordained to fast, the brahmana became greatly agitated and cried aloud, Alas: "What has been done! What has been done!" When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw the brahmana in that agitated state, He told him, "Formerly I was the son of mother Yasoda. At that time also you became a guest in the house of Nanda Maharaj, and I disturbed you in this way. I am very much pleased by your devotion. Therefore I am eating the food you have prepared." Understanding the favor offered to him by the Lord, the brahmana was greatly pleased, and he was overwhelmed with love of Krsna. He was thankful to the Lord, for he felt himself greatly fortunate. Then the Lord asked the brahmana not to disclose the incident to anyone else.
A brahmana who was touring all over the country, traveling from one place of pilgrimage to another, reached Navadvipa and became a guest in the house of Jagannatha Misra. Jagannatha Misra gave him all ingredients for cooking, and the brahmana prepared his food. When the brahmana was offering the food to Lord Visnu in meditation, child Nimai came before him and began to eat it, and because of this the brahmana thought the whole offering had been spoiled. Therefore by the request of Jagannatha Misra he cooked for a second time, but when he was meditating the child again came before him and began to eat the food, again spoiling the offering. By the request of Jagannatha Misra the brahmana cooked for a third time, but for a third time the Lord came before him and began to eat the food, although the child had been locked within a room and everyone was sleeping because it was late at night. Thus, thinking that on that day Lord Visnu was not willing to accept his food and that he was therefore ordained to fast, the brahmana became greatly agitated and cried aloud, Alas: "What has been done! What has been done!" When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw the brahmana in that agitated state, He told him, "Formerly I was the son of mother Yasoda. At that time also you became a guest in the house of Nanda Maharaj, and I disturbed you in this way. I am very much pleased by your devotion. Therefore I am eating the food you have prepared." Understanding the favor offered to him by the Lord, the brahmana was greatly pleased, and he was overwhelmed with love of Krsna. He was thankful to the Lord, for he felt himself greatly fortunate. Then the Lord asked the brahmana not to disclose the incident to anyone else.
Finally, we concluded the class with coloring pictures.
Looking forward to seeing all of you in the next class.
Gopala Class Teachers
Namapriya Mataji
Radhika Mataji
Monika Mataji
Amutha Mataji