Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lifting of Govardhan Hill and King Indra's Prayers

Hare Krsna!!

Dear Parents,
  Thank you for bringing the kids during the holiday season.

Prayers & Bhajan:  We offered our respects to Lord Krsna and learnt a new verse in Damodarastakam.
[Note: Please refer to the older posts for lyrics and audio links]

Story:  We heard about how and why Lord Krsna lifted Govardhan Hill and how King Indra realized his mistake and begged forgiveness.
When Indra understood that his sacrifice was stopped by Krsna, he became angry. He called for the cloud named Samvartaka to go over Vrndavana and completely destroy the people of Vrndavana and their cows by flooding the whole area.
Ordered by King Indra, all the dangerous clouds appeared above Vrndavana and began to pour water non-stop, with all their strength and power. There was constant lightning and thunder, blowing of severe wind. By continuous rainfall, all of Vrndavan was filled with water and it was accompanied by great winds, and every one began to tremble from severe cold. The people of Vrndavan and their cows prayed to Lord Krsna to protect them from Indra's anger.
Upon hearing their prayer, Krsna understood that this was a show of anger by Indra. To protect His devotees and also to make King Indra understand who is the Supreme Lord,  Lord Krsna immediately picked up Govardhana Hill with one hand, exactly as a child picks up a mushroom from the ground. He called the inhabitants of Vrndavana to enter under the umbrella of Govardhana Hill and be safe. All of them entered beneath the great hill and remained there for one week without being disturbed by hunger, thirst or any other discomforts. They were simply astonished to see how Krsna was holding up the mountain with the little finger of His left hand. Seeing this, King Indra  immediately called for all the clouds to stop. When the sky became completely cleared of all clouds, there was sunrise and the strong wind stopped. At that time Krsna, known  as the lifter of Govardhana Hill said that it was safe for them to leave as the rain has stopped, the flood receded and everything was over. All the men left with their belongings and cows. After they had cleared out, Lord Krsna very slowly replaced Govardhana Hill exactly in the same position as it had been before. Then everyone approached Krsna and embraced Him with great joy. There were showers of flower from the heavenly planets and there was singing and dancing.
When Lord Krsna saved the inhabitants of Vrndavana from the anger of Indra by lifting Govardhana Hill, a surabhi cow from Goloka Vrndavana, as well as King Indra from the heavenly planet, appeared before Him. Indra, the King of heaven, was conscious of his offense before Krsna. So, he immediately fell down at the lotus feet of Krsna. Indra knew about the exalted position of Krsna because Krsna is the master of Indra, but he could not believe that Krsna could come down and live in Vrndavana among the cowherd men. But after this incident, his false pride was destroyed. Being conscious of his subordinate position, he appeared before Krsna with folded hands and began to offer his prayers.
He prayed for forgiveness and understood that as Krsna is the Supreme Father, He has the right to correct him when he makes mistakes. Lord Krsna said that He stopped Indra's Puja just to teach Indra that there is a higher power than him. He forgave Indra and asked him to be careful of false pride and  return to the heavenly planet and continue as the ruler of heaven.
Then the transcendental surabhi cow, who also come with Indra to see Krsna, offered her respectful obeisances unto Him and worshiped Him. The surabhi cow offered her thanks and prayers to Krsna for protecting her descendant cows in Vrndavan although Indra tried his best to kill them. So, she bathed Lord Krsna with her milk.
Indra also bathed Krsna by the water of the celestial Ganges through the trunk of his carrier elephant. When Lord Krsna, was pleased with all of them, King Indra took His permission to return to his heavenly kingdom and be a king under the rule of the Supreme Father Shri Krsna.

We finally concluded the class with coloring pictures.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in the next class.

Gopala Class Teachers
Radhika Mataji

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Govardhan Puja

Hare Krsna!!!

Dear Parents,
Thank you for bringing the kids to Sunday School. Your enthusiasm and effort keeps us motivated and energetic to teach the class.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the mataji's who help us out during the class. Without your help, we couldn't conduct the class nicely. Our sincere thanks to all of you.

Prayers & Bhajan: Many kids led the prayer ' he krsna'. We still would like to see all the kids actively participating in the class. If the kids hear the prayer songs, bhajan, slokas in the home a few times, we hope that they would be interested in reciting in the class. Parents, please let them hear the audio links for few times (like during bed time or morning prayer time or you could sing to them when giving them a bath or feeding them or just when they are playing.)

Damodarastakam: We learnt the fouth verse of Damodarastakam. We really wish for all kids to sing this prayer to  Lord Damodar.
Lyrics for Damodarastakam:
Audio Link: Damodarastakam
[Note: Please let us know if there is any difficulty in accessing these links.]

Story:  We heard  the importance of worshiping Govardhan Hill.
One day, Krsna and Balarama saw that the cowherd men were preparing for a sacrifice in order to pacify Indra, the King of heaven, who is responsible for supplying water.
Krsna asked His father about this arrangement for a great sacrifice. He asked about for whom, what purpose, why and how it is performed. His father, Nanda Maharaja, remained silent, thinking that  young Krsna would not be able to understand the intricacies of performing the sacrifice.
Again when Krsna insisted to be explained about the sacrifice, Maharaja Nanda said that the ceremonial performance is more or less traditional. Because rainfall is due to the mercy of King Indra and the clouds are his representatives, and because water is so important for their living, they must show some gratitude to the controller of this rainfall, Maharaja Indra.
After hearing this, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the presence of His father and all the cowherd men of Vrndavana, spoke in such a way as to make heavenly King Indra very angry.
 Krsna's appeared especially for the annihilation of the demons and protection of the devotees. Though King Indra was certainly a devotee, not a demon, but because he was so proud of his power, Krsna wanted to teach him a lesson. He first tried to make Indra angry by stopping the Indra Puja, which was arranged by the cowherd men in Vrndavana.
 Lord Krsna explained to His father and the cowherd men that even if King Indra gives rain, he pours water on the ocean also, where there is no need of water. So he is pouring water on the ocean or on the land; it does not depend on their worshiping him. He also said that their specific relationship is with Govardhana Hill and Vrndavana forest and therefore requested everyone to begin a sacrifice that will satisfy the local brahmanas and Govardhana Hill, and not Indra.
Since Krsna asked, Nanda Maharaj said that he shall arrange for a separate sacrifice for the local brahmanas and Govardhana Hill. But now, he wanted to execute this sacrifice known as Indra-Puja.
But Krsna urged them not to delay the sacrifice for Govardhana and the local brahmanas. He asked them to use the arrangement and paraphernalia from Indra-yajna and immediately engage it to satisfy Govardhana Hill and the local brahmanas.
He instructed them to prepare very nice foodstuffs from the grains and ghee, and all kinds of milk preparations like sweet rice, sweetballs, sandesh, rashgulla and laddu and invite the learned brahmanas to chant the Vedic mantras and they be given charity like grain, money, gold, cows. The cows should be well  decorate and fed well. For all the others, sumptuous prasam should be distributed.  After giving nice grasses to the cows, the sacrifice known as Govardhan- Puja should  begin immediately.
According to the instruction of Lord Krsna, Nanda Maharaja and the cowherd men called in learned brahmanas and began to worship Govardhana Hill by chanting Vedic hymns and offering prasadam. The inhabitants of Vrndavana assembled together, decorated their cows and gave them grass. Keeping the cows in front, they began to circumambulate Govardhana Hill. The gopis also dressed themselves very luxuriantly and sat in bull-driven carts, chanting the glories of Krsna's pastimes. The brahamanas offered their blessings to the cowherd men and their wives, the gopis.
When everything was complete, Krsna assumed a great transcendental form and declared to the inhabitants of Vrndavana that He was Himself Govardhana Hill in order to convince the devotees that Govardhana Hill and Krsna Himself are identical. Then Krsna began to eat all the food offered there.
 In offering obeisances to the huge form of Krsna Himself and Govardhana Hill, Krsna declared that  Govardhana Hill has assumed this huge form to favor us by accepting all the offerings.
The identity of Krsna and Govardhana Hill are still honored.
The sacrifice known as Govardhana-puja is observed in the Krsna consciousness movement. Lord Caitanya MahaPrabhu has recommended that since Krsna is worshipable, so His land, Vrndavana and Govardhana Hill, are also worshipable. To confirm this statement, Lord Krsna said that Govardhana Puja is as good as worship of Him. From that day, the Govardhana Puja has been still going on and is known as Annakuta. In all the temples of Vrndavana or outside of Vrndavana, huge quantities of food are prepared in this ceremony and are very sumptuously distributed to the general population.
Following the inauguration of Govardhana Puja, people in Vrndavana still dress nicely and assemble near Govardhana Hill to offer worship and circumambulate the hill, leading their cows all around.

Thus, we all learned more about the importance of Govardhan Puja.
Finally, we concluded the class with coloring picture.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in the next class.

Gopala Class Teachers
Radhika Mataji

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Deliverance of Nalakuvara and Manigriva

Hare Krsna!!!
Dear Parents,
Please let the kids hear the Damodarastakam few times and they will be able to sing in the class very nicely. Thank you for helping us.

This week,
Prayers & Bhajans: Kids are enthusiastically leading the prayer in the class.

Damodarastakam: We learnt the third verse of the Damodarastakam from Radhika Mataji
Kartik month is the favorite month of Lord Krsna and He performed Damodar(one whose belly is bound by ropes) lila during Kartik month. So, we should all take a little time to sing Damodar Astakam and light a ghee lamp for Lord Krsna and He will be immensely pleased.
Lyrics for Damodarastakam:
Audio Link: Damodarastakam

Story time: The two great demigods, Nalakuvara and Manigriva, were sons of the treasurer of the demigods, Kuvera, who was a great devotee of Lord Siva.  Nalakuvara and Manigriva being the sons of a rich man were very spoiled.
Once they entered a garden of Lord Siva in the region of Kailash to play in the lake.
While they were enjoying themselves in the water, all of a sudden Narada, the great sage, happened to pass that way. Nalakuvara and Manigriva could not even see that he was passing.
Narada was compassionate and wanted to save them from their fallen life.
Narada therefore thought that the best punishment for them was to make them immovable living entities, or trees. Although the brothers would be punished to become trees, they continued to keep their memory to be able to know why they were being punished.
Sage Narada contemplated that the two demigods should remain as twin Arjuna trees for one hundred years, in the time of the demigods, in the courtyard of Nanda Maharaj, and after that they would be fortunate enough to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, face to face.
Although the child Krsna was bound up to the wooden mortar, He began to proceed towards the twin Arjuna trees in order to fulfill the prophecy of His great devotee Narada.
Lord Krsna was able to pass through the passage, but, the large wooden mortar stuck horizontally between the trees. Taking advantage of this, Lord Krsna began to pull the rope which was tied to the mortar. As soon as He pulled, with great strength, the two trees, with all branches and limbs, fell down immediately with a great sound. Out of the broken, fallen trees came two great personalities, shining like blazing fire.  The two purified bodies immediately came before child Krsna and bowed down to offer their respects and prayers.
Their prayer was to be always engaged in Lord Krsna's transcendental loving service by speaking only about His glories and hearing about His transcendental activities. Their hands and other limbs be engaged in His service and their minds always be concentrated at His lotus feet and their heads always bowed down before the Lordship.
Krsna still bound to the mortar smiled and said that since they developed ecstastic love for Him, they will go to their father's residence in the heavenly planet and by doing devotional service they will be liberated after this life.
After this, the demigods circumambulated the Lord many times and bowed down before Him again and again, and left. The Lord remained bound up with ropes to the grinding mortar.
When the twin arjuna trees fell to the ground, making a sound like the falling of thunderbolts, all the inhabitants of Gokula, including Nanda Maharaja, immediately came to the spot. They were very much astonished to see how the two great trees had suddenly fallen. Because they could find no reason for their falling down, they were puzzled. When they saw child Krsna bound up to the wooden mortar by the ropes of Yasoda, they began to think that it must have been caused by some demon. But,  the small children who were playing there informed the men that the trees fell due to Krsna's pulling the wooden mortar with the ropes to which He was bound. When the trees fell down, two very dazzling men came out of the trees, and they talked to Krsna and disappeared.
Nanda Maharaja began to smile, hearing about the extraordinary abilities of his son. He came forward and untied the knot to free his wonderful child. After being freed by Nanda Maharaja, Krsna was taken away to the courtyard of the house by the elderly gopis and they began to clap, praising His wonderful activities. Krsna clapped along with them, just like an ordinary child.

We concluded the class with coloring pictures of Krsna and the demigods, Nalakuvara and Manigriva.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in the next class.
Gopala Class Teachers
Radhika Mataji

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lord Damodar

Hare Krsna!!!

Dear Parents,
Please let the kids hear the Damodarastakam few times and they will be able to sing in the class very nicely. Thank you for helping us.

This week,
Prayers & Bhajans: Many kids led  " he krsna " prayer very nicely.

Damodarastakam: We learnt the second verse of the Damodarastakam.
Kartik month is the favorite month of Lord Krsna and He performed Damodar(one whose belly is bound by ropes) lila during Kartik month. So, we should all take a little time to sing Damodar Astakam and light a ghee lamp for Lord Krsna and He will be immensely pleased.
Lyrics for Damodarastakam:
Audio Link: Damodarastakam

Story Time: We heard the story why Lord Krsna is called Damodar.
Once when Mother Yashoda was churning butter singing songs about the little Krsna. Krsna woke up and was hungry. While Mother Yashoda was feeding Him, the milk on the stove was boiling over. So, Mother Yashoda put Krsna down for a little while to turn off the stove. Krsna was very angry with Mother Yashoda for leaving Him in the middle of the feeding. So, He ate the butter from the butter pot,  broke it and ran away from the room for fear of punishment.
After turning off the stove, Mother Yashoda came into the room and saw what Krsna has done. Wanting to teach Him a lesson, Mother Yashoda went in search of Him with a stick in her hand and found Him standing on an upended wooden mortar, stealing and eating more butter from the butterpots hanging from the ceiling and feeding it to the monkeys as well. As soon as Krsna saw  Mother Yashoda with the stick in her hand, He ran away as quickly as His little feet could carry Him.
Mother Yashoda ran very hard to catch Him but He could not be caught until He wishes to be caught. Seeing His mother hard labor, Lord Krsna decided to let Mother Yashoda catch him. After getting caught, He was rubbing His eyes in crying by seeing the stick and Mother Yashoda threw away the stick not to frighten Him. She still wanted to stop Him from his mischief, so she decided to tie Him up with the wooden mortar. She brought a rope from the house and tried to tie Krsna but the rope was 2 inches short. So, she brought more ropes from the house and kept on trying with connecting all ropes but still the rope was always 2 inches short no matter how long the rope was.
By this time, Mother Yashoda was really tired and she kept on trying to tie Krsna who could not be tied unless He lets it to happen. Lord Krsna, seeing the sincere effort of Mother Yashoda and how tired she was, decided to let Mother Yashoda tie Him up. After He decided, Mother Yashoda was able to tie Him up. That is why Lord Krsna is called Lord Damodar -  one whose belly is bound by ropes.
From this story, we could understand that Lord Krsna could only be bound by love for Him.

We concluded the class with the coloring picture of Mother Yashoda tying a rope around Lord Krsna.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in the next class.
Gopala Class Teachers
Radhika Mataji