Monday, June 15, 2009

Drama 2- Krishna the butter thief

Krishna the butter thief
Scene 1:
Krishna and his friends love stealing butter from Gopi’s houses. They sometimes get caught but the gopis could not punish them because they love Krishna.

###music for Krishna playing with the cowherd boys###

Sridama – Look Krishna, the sun is high up in the sky, we finished our lunch but still I am hungry.

Stoka – You are always hungry, go and do your work. (All laugh)

Sudhama – I am also little tired and hungry today, maybe we should go home.

Krishna – I agree with you. Let’s go home and eat yummy butter!!

Sridhama – (Holding his stomach) Oh Krishna please don’t talk about butter. I makes me feel more hungry

Sudhama – Yes Yes, I am hungry too thinking of butter.

Krishna – I have an idea. My mother and other elder gopis are busy churning butter at my house. We can sneak into the kitchen and eat some butter.

All- yes yes lets go

Scene 2:

###Churning butter music###

Yashoda maiya along with the other gopis was busy churning the butter. The topic of conversation as usual was Krishna and his pranks

Gopi1: Oh Yashoda! You must control your son.

Yashoda: You are jealous because I have a darling little boy. Don’t complain about him

Gopi2: On the other day I caught him when stealing butter

Gopi 3: Why don’t you tell yashoda that he broke the pot also. He is so naughty.

Gopi 1: yes there are so many complaints about him all over Gokul, but as soon as he is caught he will shed tears and we will leave him.

Scene 3:

###soft music to steal the butter###

While Gopis were discussing the boys were inside the kitchen ready to steal butter

Krishna: Shhhhh… don’t make a noise of else maiya will come and beat all of us

Sridhama: Krishna how will we reach the pot, it is so high

Stoka: (Looking up) Yes Krishna How will we reach the pots?

Sudhama: I know something would go wrong. Now what will we do?

Krishna: I know I will climb up and reach the pots.

Scene 4:

###sound of pot breaking 'damaal'###

Narration: So the boys climbed on each other and Krishna reached the pot and eat the butter. Everything was going fine until one pot fell down on the floor “damaal”
(damaal sound)

Yashoda: What was that sound? May be the monkeys have got inside the kitchen again

Gopi1: Could it be the naughty Krishna?

Gopi2: Ha Ha, Go Yashoda and find out who is inside

Gopi3: It will be definitely Krishna

Yashoda: Come with me to the kitchen and I will prove that they are the monkeys

Scene 5:

###music for the boys running out of fear###

The cowherd boys ran out of fear

###music for catching Krishna red handed###

Yashoda: YOU! Stealing butter in your own house? Don’t I feed you well? Hmm.. so the Gopis were right

Krishna: No no maiya I did not eat butter, actually my friends put all the butter on my face. It was they who stole and ate the butter.

Yashoda: Now I have caught you red- handed and so I will punish you. Come here.

Yashoda got the rope to tie Krishna to the mortar. She was very tired tying because the rope wasn’t enough all the time.

###Damodar astakam song starts###
During the song Yashoda will keep trying the rope and the Gopis will say no, no but the dance will go on the other part of the stage.

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